

Type of business:

Fast-casual Mediterranean

We talked with:

Allie Brown Matthews, Director of Catering Sales

Founded in:



26 in Illinois, Maryland, New York, Texas, and Minnesota

Uses Nash for:

All-in-one delivery platform for catering deliveries, including order management, fleet coordination, real-time communication, and single billing across all markets.

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How Nash Boosted Roti’s Delivery Success by 15% and Drives Focus on Growth

"We've been able to reallocate the time saved by Nash towards growth... In many ways, Nash has been instrumental in our progress."

Customer Stories
Roti Mediterranean Food - Courtesy of Roti

About Roti

Roti, a fast-casual Mediterranean restaurant brand founded in 2007, has made a name for itself through its inclusive menu and dedication to wholesome, energizing meals. With locations in Illinois, Maryland, New York, Texas and Minnesota, they serve a diverse range of dietary preferences, affirming their mission to provide “food for a full life.”

We chatted with Allie Matthews, Director of Catering Sales. Allie leads Roti’s national catering team, and her core role is to ensure that Roti’s catering customers (including universities, businesses, and beyond) get fresh food and top-tier catering service.

The Challenges:

Prior to teaming up with Nash, Roti was actively growing their robust catering and delivery operations. Although their "on time in full rate" (OTIF) was around 80%, they were committed to pushing this figure higher. Balancing financial implications and customer satisfaction, Roti focused on improving the reliability of high-value catering orders and punctuality of delivery schedules.

Being a national brand, Roti faced the logistical challenge of coordinating multiple fleets across their numerous locations. They explored partnerships with individual fleets in each market but quickly recognized the need for a more unified service. The goal was a simpler, integrated approach for managing delivery operations across the entire enterprise.

With plans to extend beyond their current five markets, the importance of a centralized delivery system became apparent. Such a system would increase their daily operational efficiency and allow the team to concentrate on expansion plans. Acknowledging this, Roti sought a single platform capable of managing their delivery operations, which led to their partnership with Nash.

How Nash Helped:

Roti found a solution to its challenges with Nash, an all-in-one delivery management platform that could accommodate all of Roti’s delivery needs. Nash provided a streamlined delivery orchestration platform for all catering delivery, one support team across all markets, and real-time support communications via chat, which was a significant selling point for Roti.

"Nash was the only company we spoke with that could address our issues across all five markets. They offered a unified bill and a single support team — a solution unique among the options we considered.”

Nash also provided Roti with an easy-to-use portal to automate delivery tracking, refund reconciliation, and creating optimal routes–reducing the manual labor required and saving time. Better yet, through a single API, Nash is able to automatically ingest and parse Roti’s delivery orders, eliminating the need for manual order entry.

Nash has significantly improved Roti’s operations: leading to increased efficiency, reduced costs, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Nash + Roti in Numbers

  • 99.9% successful package completion rate (delivery success)
  • $112k+ package value saved with Nash auto-reassignment*
  • 350+ monthly dropoff locations* 
  • $2.7M worth of lifetime catering orders delivered

*Over 3-month period (February to May 2023)

"We've been able to grow our catering sales...and we're no longer having to worry about drivers showing up late or not showing up at all. It's definitely a weight off our shoulders."

The Results

15% Increase in Successful Deliveries 

With Nash, Roti boosts their OTIF rate from 75% to over 90%, significantly improving its delivery performance. This improvement contributes to enhanced customer satisfaction, which continues to lead to improved customer retention and unlocking repeating high-value catering orders. 

“Nash is helping us achieve our most important goals. Initially, our on-time in full rate was below 80%, roughly around 75%. But with Nash, we've managed to increase it to over 90% across most of our fleets. The majority of our orders are now delivered correctly and on time.”

Significant Cost Savings

Using Nash unlocks substantial cost savings for Roti. In Roti's case, these savings have come from multiple fronts. Since moving away from relying on a single delivery provider, using Nash improves profitability by giving more provider options and rate variability. By reducing delivery fees across the board from their previous solution, Nash helps improve Roti’s profitability. Through smart dispatch strategies and auto-reassignment if a provider cancels or is running a little too close to the scheduled pickup time, in three months Nash has helped to save Roti over $112,000 in costs associated with refunds and compensation, which were previously necessary due to late or incomplete orders. And finally, time saved on delivery management helps cut operational costs as well. This is particularly impactful given that Roti's catering orders make up a significant amount of their revenue.

"Before using Nash, our other delivery solutions would go down for an entire lunch, meaning we’d have to comp an entire days’ revenue due to delays; nothing arrived on time, everything was hours late, and we couldn’t reach support. Some of our restaurants managed to salvage the situation. But this never happens with Nash. Over the first six months, we saved a significant amount of money.”

Less Time on Operations, More Time for Growth 

Nash provides hands-on operational support, enabling Roti to shift their focus from logistics to growth. Prior to Nash, significant chunks of time were spent on tasks like coordinating refunds, tracking down orders, and finding their own delivery fleets in each of their five markets. Nash drastically reduces these operational burdens.

One of the key ways Nash has transformed operations for Roti is through automatically ingesting and assigning delivery orders. By eliminating the need to manually enter each delivery order, a process that was not only time-consuming but also prone to errors, Nash frees up valuable time for Roti's team. This automation streamlines the order process, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring that delivery requests are processed promptly and accurately.

In addition, Nash has taken over the responsibility of sourcing delivery fleets. Based on Roti’s unique needs, Nash hand-selects the most reliable and efficient delivery fleets, coordinates their schedules, and oversees the entire delivery process end-to-end. This relieves Roti of the need to track down orders or worry about the logistics of delivery, allowing them to focus their efforts on more strategic tasks.

“We've been able to save my team the time and effort of entering all our orders manually. They no longer have to spend 20 minutes on hold for every issue that arises. We're now able to provide faster responses to our customers when they encounter issues with timely and complete deliveries.”

Better Communication, Control, and Support

Nash’s communication and support through chat provides Roti with real-time answers to their issues. This instant communication significantly improves their delivery management and allows them to respond promptly upon any delivery issue. Nash's support services reduce the need for Roti's team to spend hours on the phone resolving issues, which frees up more time and also reduces the stress associated with managing deliveries.

“The daily support has been extremely helpful and robust. We’ve never spent more than five minutes waiting on an answer from Nash. We're able to sort our jobs by the local pickup time, and we can keep an eye on the status of every order, making sure we are on track for the day. The reporting is also robust.”

Deliver catering orders with confidence

Take control of your most complex, high-value catering orders with Nash. Tap into our global provider network for reliable delivery wherever you grow.

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Deliver catering orders with confidence

Take control of your most complex, high-value catering orders with Nash. Tap into our global provider network for reliable delivery wherever you grow.

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